RESULTS: Janine came in very lean with little to no muscle tone. During the JP Challenge she decreased her fat%, BMI%, and went down two pants sizes. As you can see Janine has turned her fat into to long lean muscles. Before she refused to wear tights with a short top now she is ready to take them down the runway:) She feels more confident, energetic, and motivated to achieve more. We are so proud of you! Go Janine!
WHAT SHE DID: Janine completed a 30 session combination of Spinlates and Pilates. She attribute her ex-muffin top to Adrian's muffin stop! Her favorite time to attend class is early am so she is off to a great start. Before starting this workout she never had the energy to get up but now she pops up at 6:30am ready to go and get results.
Janine's Testimony:
Spinlates was an answer to prayer...literally. I had been doing yoga for six months, although I felt much calmer - I was looking for something that would get me more toned and give me more cardio. I never was one to do those crazy bootcamps. I tried many times - but always felt there was more pain than gain. When I went to my first Spinaltes class, I was hooked. I have a ton of energy - I never liked to get up at 6:30 am until now....and I didn't know that was possible, since I am an artist and work all sorts of hours. Adrian and Drew are awesome teachers - and each have their unique qualities that keep the workouts very well rounded. The spin teachers are awesome too. I've never had a 'bad' class or instructor. In the past I have gotten bored quickly with workout classes, but have yet to feel like any class is repetitive or mundane - nor do I think I ever will. Spinlates has have an immensely positive effect on the way I feel, look, eat and live. I hope they open one up in every city!! :)
THE CHALLENGE: Let’s put Joseph Pilates’s quote to the test! Attend 30 Pilates Reformer or Spinlates Sessions in the next few months. For faster results and a stronger chance of winning try to complete your 30 sessions as fast as you can!
THE PRIZE: One Month Unlimited Classes at Spinlates by HBHM Studios & a HOT new body
THE RULES: Must submit a “Before” picture and allow Spinlates by HBHM Studios to take measurements of your arms, waistline, hips, and thighs. Measurements will be kept on file and will be used if you consent to the marketing agreement. The option to show or not show your face will be given. The challenge will run for the rest of the month into next month. On the 15th of every Month we will select a winner via an online voting tool. Contestants must check in via Facebook and comment on what session they are on and class they are taking. At the end of the contest your class visits will be on display for others to see the exact routine you followed. You can add any other tips as well.
MONTHLY WINNER: The winner will be selected on actually results of measurements and online voting. The monthly winner will be featured in our newsletter and receive one month of unlimited classes.
Start Today!
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