I am thrilled to report that, since my last entry two weeks ago, I have lost another five pounds—that’s 15 total, people. Holla!
Along the way I have picked up a few tips from the trainers at Spinlates that have helped me on my way to ever-increasing fitness, and I wanted to share a few with you.
First off, per the gorgeous and charming Adrian Ramirez, the perfect pre-workout snack is a handful of plain, unsalted almonds (conveniently available across the street at Trader Joe’s). Eating properly, pre-workout, is essential; you might not have the energy to give it your all without a little food in your belly.
Adrian also told me that you should consume 20 grams of protein after every workout—optimally, within 30 minutes of the conclusion of your class—to ensure that your body builds muscle instead of burning it for fuel. “The ideal protein is lean, grilled chicken breast—you are not going to get fat eating chicken breast!” says Adrian. (A wide variety of pre-cooked chicken breasts are also available at TJ’s.)
Another important component of workout prep is water. A good rule of thumb, for Spinning, especially, is to consume one ounce per minute on the bike. I bring a liter to every class and drink more when I get home—proper hydration is key to keeping your body working properly, your skin looking fresh and dewy—it also keeps you from overeating.
A tip for those who find plain water dull and uninspiring: Get a Soda Stream and make your own seltzer water (you can also add calorie-free fruit essences like lemon, lime and raspberry made by the company, or just squeeze a bit of juice in yourself). Available at Bed, Bath and Beyond (right next door to the Spinlates studio), the Soda Stream uses CO2 cartridges to carbonate your filtered tap water, and the resulting beverage is super-refreshing. It is also crazy-fun to make!